Thursday, July 15, 2010

Concept Mapping

It has been an interesting experience playing around with the concept map tool. As a social learner, I felt that this tool wasn't as useful for me as others I have experimented with previously. I was struggling with recalling the knowledge I have learnt throughout topic one and putting it into this type of map. I also found that I was taking a lot of time mucking around with the lay out and trying to get it to not over lap.

Although I didn't personally find this tool very effective, many other people have really enjoyed using it. It would be a great tool to use in the classroom because it is a very efficent way for students to organise their thoughts and knowledge and a great graphic organiser for them to look back on for a particular topic.

I would enjoy getting feedback from you so I can reflect on how I could improve my skills and usefullness for this tool :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma,

    I have looked at concepts maps and like you, found them to be quite uneffective for my particular learning style.
    However, I believe that it may be a very useful tool to utilise in the classroom environment, especially for those visual learners in your class. It would be perfect to introduce a new topic or recall important information as it would organise the information logically for the students.

    Keep reflecting Emma, you're doing well :D
    - Hannah
